School Meals
All children choose their school lunch each morning in the classroom, during registration. Hot meals are cooked on the premises by GROW - part of AMB Catering. Menus work on a three-week rotation. GROW provides nutritious food, cooked fresh every day, which is responsibly sourced. Children have a choice of 4 options (Meat, Vegetarian, Pasta/Jacket Potato, Sandwich). All lunches are cooked to order to ensure every child is catered for. The current cost of a school meal is £2.75, which includes a dessert.
Please scroll through our current 3-weekly Spring menu below.
If you would like to find out more about GROW, please visit their website - Click here.
Special Diet Requirements
If your child has a medical or special diet requirement, please register directly with GROW using the link below. GROW will review your medical evidence with a NHS dietician in order to devise an adapted menu for your child's school lunch. -
Grow Special Diets Request Form
Home Packed Lunch
Children can bring in a packed lunch from home if they prefer. We ask that children DO NOT bring in any items that contain NUTS (such as chocolate/nut spread, granola bars, chocolate/nut bars) as we are a nut free school. We also ask that children do not bring in any fizzy drinks, glass bottles or sweets.
Cost for School Meals
- Meals from 24th February 2025 are £2.75 per day
- Payment can be online by using our online payment system, SCOPAY - Scopay Login Link
- Meals should be paid for on the day or in advance. A reminder will be sent out at the end of each week for any unpaid dinner money. Please note that if your lunch debt is over £10, we will ask you to provide a packed lunch for your child each day until the debt is cleared (as per our school policy). PLEASE AIM TO KEEP YOUR CHILD'S LUNCH ACCOUNT IN CREDIT.
- All parents have access to SCOPAY. If you have not yet registered to make online payments, please let the office know and an access code will be sent to you.
Please note that all meals are ordered at 9.30am in the morning. If your child is going to be late for school, please ensure you telephone the school office to inform us of your child's order. Simultaneously, if your child has ordered a lunch and leaves the school for whatever reason (i.e. illness), we will not be able to refund the meal unless it can be used by another child.
Universal Free School Meals (UFSM)
All Year R, 1 and 2 children are entitled to Free School Meals under the Universal Free School Meal Initiative. However, if eligible, parents should still register for Free School Meals (even if your child is receiving them under the Universal initiative) as this enables the school to receive significant additional funding to support those children.
Free School Meal Entitlement (FSM)
Your child may be able to get free school meals if you receive any of the following:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The guaranteed element of Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit
- Working Tax Credit run-on
- Universal Credit
OR you can use the online Free School Meals Eligibility Checker, which will give you an instant answer.
Breaktime Snacks
Children in Year R,1 and 2 are provided with fruit or vegetables each morning.
Older children will need to bring in their own snacks from home - we do ask that healthy snacks such as fruit or vegetables are used wherever possible. Please do not send your child with anything containing nuts or sweets.